Ah. You’ve clicked. That means you want to save a life. That means we’re on the same page, you and Tree House. There’s one really easy way to do it. Ready?
That’s it. Every cat you foster is a life saved, especially for kittens under six weeks of age. CACC can’t keep kittens under six weeks, so they have less than 24 hours to find a safe place. We can pull them, but we HAVE to have a place to put them, and because kittens’ immune systems are delicate and they’re too young to be vaccinated, they need a safe place to rest until they’re big enough and strong enough to become full-fledged cats and come into our shelter.

Do you have a bathroom? Perfect. That’s all they need.
Do you have a spare room with a door to keep them separated from your resident animals? Great. You’re ready.
Do you live alone and have no other pets? Fantastic. You’re the perfect candidate.
It’s not hard, and once you do it, you’ll see why it’s one of the greatest experiences you, as a human, can have.
Every cat fostered is one life saved. That’s it.
Come to our kitten shower to learn more.

Tree House.